Ich bin Jule, 36 Jahre jung und bin im Bereich der Brandmalerei unterwegs. Mit Leidenschaft und ganz viel Liebe zum Detail brenne ich meine Mandala´s und floralen Desings in meine Holzprodukte. Diese möchte ich gerne bei euch Verkaufen und meine Reichweite vergrößern.
Mein Name ist Thomas und ich stelle in Handarbeit zahlreiche Motivbuttons her und biete darüber hinaus auch den Vertrieb von Buttonmaschinen und dem passenden Zubehör online, sowie lokal am Bodensee an.
My name is a journey from numbers to colours, from algorithms to strokes. After a long career in IT, where every day was about understanding and creating new worlds inside the computer, I discovered a passion for painting. This unexpected turn in my life led me to create paintings, in which I try to combine the precision of programming with the raw power of creativity. My paintings are a reflection of my path: here you will find strict lines and bright colours harmoniously combined with unexpected images and shapes. I am inspired by both code and nature, and my works often explore the relationship between technology and the human perception of beauty. In each of my creations, I explore how technology can push the boundaries of art, and how art, in turn, can inspire new technological advances. I invite you to explore this unique synthesis with me, discovering something truly special.